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Traci's 2020 Nitty Gritty

Major Accountability Post:

As I continue on my health journey, I’m slowly giving up on the “weight loss” mentality and the social standards and pressures that come with it.

I have lost almost 60lbs since I gave birth on May 12th and that’s impressive! I’m so proud of my ability to focus and do something I’ve wanted for a long time! But I’m disappointed in some of the choices I’ve made along the way. Fat free, sugar free, and low calorie foods that are highly processed were fall backs. Diet or zero sodas were a treat but still had more often than not.

My goal has been and always will be to be a healthier me. While I know that many of us have different versions of what’s healthy, my version has altered a lot lately. My personal healthy is less processed foods and more real foods. Not strictly Whole30 or Paleo or Keto or any diet plan. Just plain old real food. Less junk. Less added sugar. More homemade foods. My focus is 80% on plan, 20% flexibility. This has been a term used by several people I follow. Personal trainers, nutritionists, bloggers, a lot of people. 80/20 means that I’m not going to burn myself out (which I’ve done before) and I won’t feel like I’m missing out if I have a glass of wine and cake at book club.

I would eventually like to do Whole30 but I have to first find a 30 to 40 days that I can fully commit to it. It’s not something I think I can do while my husband is gone. We have plans to try it out after he gets home. But until then, I’m going to slowly move out all the processed foods, implementing more Whole Foods, and start making more from scratch.

My current body goals are to lower my body fat percentage and increase lean muscle. But at the very least, I want to just feel good about myself, inside and out.

My fitness needs have changed and I have to listen to my body. While on vacation, I wasn’t working out and my sciatica started misbehaving, like really bad. Even yesterday, after spending most of the day meal prepping and cleaning in the kitchen, my sciatica flared really bad.

Because of this, I’m going to do PiYo again. A lot of the moves and positions they use in PiYo are recommended to help relieve sciatica pain so I just feel like this is a no brainer. Plus I have done it before (like last month) and know what I’m getting myself into.

This is all being implemented to improve my mental and physical health.

So today is the last day of meal prep and planning plus doing my before measurements and photos.

Tomorrow is day one! Day one of my PiYo Strength. Day one of more Whole Foods. 


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